The SOLUS external advisory board met with the project for the first time on November 20th, 2017 at the Frankfurt airport conference centre. At the meeting, SOLUS work package leaders presented each work package, the results achieved and upcoming challenges. The external advisory board in turn provided valuable feedback on the work so far and recommendations for the upcoming period.
The SOLUS external advisory board includes:
Rainer Erdmann, CEO of PicoQuant GmbH, expert in pulsed diode lasers, time-resolved data acquisition, single photon counting and fluorescence instrumentation.
Eva Maria Fallenberg, director of breast diagnostics at Charité Berlin, congress president of the German society of senology, member of the EUSOBI educational committee
Stefania Migliuolo, oncologist and spokesperson for Europa Donna Italy
Dick Sterenborg, professor at the department of biomedical engineering and physics oft he Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam and senior researcher at the department of surgical oncology of the Netherlands Cancer Institute
Michael Fuchsjäger, deputy director of the department of radiology of the medical university Graz